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Interview with a ChristoPagan

Whether you love or hate the term ChristoPagan, it is a religious movement that has taken up speed in the recent years, and it doesn't appear to be going away any time soon. Looking at it from an outsider perspective one would think based on Orthodox practices it would be an oxymoron. However, defenders of the faith claim otherwise, stating that spirituality is a personal path and one size does not fit all.

According to the Higgenbothams in their book ChristoPaganism, Christopaganism is a religious construct of practicing two different religions (one type of Christianity...including heretical Christianity, and one type of Paganism) at the same time. If you take a step into the world of ChristoPaganism, however, it isn't so distinctly tied together in such a fashion for every practitioner.

Sometimes you will see syncretism like Santeria, Voodoo, and Voudou. People who had to live with the consequences of colonization and slavery, bringing into their spirituality a dual faithed practice. This example isnt trying to justify colonization or appropriation, but this was a real world consequence of the people who had to live through it becoming an established religious practice. The point here is to understand how someone traversing this... to put it lightly, culture shock, or who is looking for identity after the fact, would come to have legitimate relationship to both.

We see others who are taking Christianity and Judaism back to its Canaanite roots and reclaiming the family of El in its full polytheistic glory. Deities like Asherah, Anat, Ba'al Hadad, Mot, and Yam dance across the stage as one witnesses the resurrection of the long lost children and wives of El.

Even still others will practice one full form of Fundamental Christianity in addition to one full form of Paganism; as seen with one practitioner who is both an out of the closet Episcopalian Deacon and an out of the closet initiated Thelmite.

Whatever the path the individual takes, you can be sure that they break the rules of division. As one ChristoPagan proclaimed, "Where we are standing, there is no fence between Christianity and Paganism. Just as our ancestors have practiced the blending of faiths, so do we. We just title it as it should be, being a part of both, but being strictly neither. As you can imagine, either side rarely looks kindly upon our beliefs. Old wounds and dogmatic practices have created lines of division among man. Over which many have died. We say enough. That is not my path."

Another person added into their insight, "The name is ChristO Paganism, not Christian Paganism. In that the -o is applying the attributes of one to the other in a meshing. That one has taking on the qualities of the other and made something else not so much that it is defined as one or the other. "

With so much information and mis-information floating about, Chi-Rho Grotto took to the streets to find ChristoPagans who would sit down with us and explain what their path is so that others can have a better understanding.

The first interview of this series is with someone still exploring their path, being brand new to ChristoPaganism.

Jamie a ChristoPagan and Christian Witch


Hello Everyone! Today we have Jamie with us to give us insight into their religious beliefs and personal practice. Thank you for joining us today. âš« Will you give us a brief introduction to your path?

Well, to start I have yet to settle on a label that seems to fit me correctly. Whatever label I eventually choose (if any), I am and have been for a long time fascinated with magickal and esoteric spirituality. My path includes aspects and practices of hearth, kitchen, domestic, powwow, green, natural, garden, hedge, and herbal witchcraft. I am not interested in organized religion, and tend to keep my magickal practices secular in a fashion. I walk a blended path as a follower of Jesus Christ and as a magickal practitioner. âš« How did you come to believe and follow your religion? Where you raised in this faith?

Desiring to live a magick-filled life is something that just happened naturally as I grew up – I didn't actually chose to infuse magick into my domesticity actively - it was always unconsciously done until about a year ago when I feel like I woke up to it and decided to make it a conscientious effort to study and apply it in a way that could fit within my current faith base. But in all honesty, it has had reverberations that have deeply effected my first faith foundation. I was raised Christian. ⚫ What are some major misconceptions about your path?

I don't invoke the devil or any other god or goddess in my work (although I do view the Holy Spirit as a female therefore a Goddess). I don't worship nature - but I do revere it and honor it. I don't feel like I have lost my salvation because I practice magick. Yet one fellow Christian that knows of my blended path viewed my blend with skepticism and they feared for my immortal soul. âš« Have you ever been discriminated against because of your religion?

I have only been met with discrimination from Pagan believers. They question and argue that a blended path is not possible. Some quite vehemently. I haven't had discrimination from Christians since I have not come out of the broom closet to but a small handful of Christians. I am more guarded now who I reveal to my path - Pagan or otherwise! âš« How do you feel your religion is portrayed by Hollywood?

I feel that Hollywood portrays the Christian faith as bigoted, hateful, unintelligent, judgemental and narrow-minded. There is some truth to this portrayal and that is what is so heartbreaking. But the portrayal is of a stereotype. and true Christians are not this way. Christian Witches I have not seen in TV or movies....except for a mild blend as seen by a church going magician in the TV series Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell and a documentary on on Amazon about Hildegard von Bingen. âš« What factor of your beliefs is currently the strongest influence in your life?

The Pagan / earth based aspect is what my current focus is on. I am in the research and learning mode. âš« What are your favorite and not so favorite aspects of your path?

My favorite aspects of this path is the deep earthy traditions, the possibilities, the study and the practical magick practices. My least favorite part of this path is the solitary isolation, the not being able to share with my loved ones who are still deep into their fundamental Christian faith and how i have to grapple with my own faith conflicts. âš« What every day aspects are affected by your faith? Is there a difference between your mundane life and your religious life?

There is not a difference for me as religion goes as I don't practice religion. I live a deeply spiritual life, feeling connection in many ways. âš« Does your religion affect who you date, or marry?

I am married already. we married 23 years ago and we were both Christians at the time of our marriage. âš« Have you had any personal experiences that have reaffirmed your faith?

My whole life I was a typical sideline shallow immature Christian. But about 7 years ago the Holy Spirit woke me up and my faith and relationship completely shifted and matured. It made going to church hard because I could see what was missing. Incorporating earth based aspects to my Christian faith hasn't necessarily reaffirmed my faith. But it has opened doors for healing, connection and deeper meaningfulness for me. âš« Has your religious beliefs changed over time?

My beliefs have changed. I can't practice a shallow form of Christianity after my spirit-led awakening 7 years ago. I must take Jesus at his word when he said that we would do everything he did and more. Also, I have been doing deep study of the bible as it relates to magick and divination. The study is never ending. âš« Do you strictly follow the teachings of your path?

I am still learning and choosing the nature of my path. I don't strictly adhere to anything other than I won't release my faith in Jesus as savior and Son of God. âš« Do you ever question your faith?

Yes, multiple times. Part of me grows weary of the Christian faith and wants to just turn away from it all in a clean break. But I think I am feeling fed up with ALL RELIGION...not just Christianity. And I cannot throw away my friendship with Jesus, Father or Holy Spirit. They have always been part of my life, and I have benefited from their presence in my life. I live life in favor and blessing and I can only credit them for it. That is not religion. It's relationship. My thing lately is that I wonder at religion. is it all a man made construct. If I was born in India I would have just as strong a conviction about Hinduism. As it happens I was born to Christian parent who taught me their faith....whose is the true religion? No one can own truth. Each would argue that his is the only one truth that saves or that is right. It just depends where and to whom you were born and what you were raised on. Your grid is built by your parents and the culture you come from. And this thing about the bible and books missing and so many translations. And the meaning being so altered. and the audience it was meant for...and the creation of church politics, and the lack of the power of heaven on earth as was seen in the book of acts and in Jesus's life...... And the whole conversion thing. the coup. And the fear and hatred of "sinners" I really hate it. I used to be in love with the people of God, but lately watching his people be so ugly has been difficult. The judgmental hateful and condescending manners of his people broke my heart. I fell out of love with His Flock. His Bride that rolled around in the mud and blood in her wedding dress to walk over the top of others. I am also so fatigued with the patriarchal Christian dogma, the christianese dialect and religious rules that have nothing to do with what Jesus said. I find it so fake with plastic smiles and shallowness. The imbalance. the inequality. The politics and agenda. âš« How does your religion differ from others?

I am not sure...since each person must define their own path and truth in the Pagan faith ... but in Christianity the word of God is the rule...and If truth sets you free, but we all have a different does one walk in freedom? I am still working that out. âš« How does your religion deal with those who are against your practices and beliefs?

Well, my previous faith foundation would just "turn away from them and give them over to the destruction of their body through sin" but since my awakening I could not do that to someone. I respect others. even if they hold a different belief than I do. Honestly those kinds of Christian people would probably now prescribe that kind judgement to me. And I don't consider myself a part of that Christian religion. I call myself a Christian, but ultimately I am in relationship...I am a follower of Jesus Christ and his was the way of LOVE. âš« What is the role of the female in your religion?

I don't follow religion. But I view the Holy Spirit as mother and goddess. In traditional Christian faiths...there are so many differing doctrines on the role of women in the church. âš« Who or what plays the most important role in your religion?

In my faith Jesus and the Holy Spirit play a role....but honestly they are not my focus currently. My focus is to learn the practical application of magick in a way that doesn't offend my savior. âš« What is the most important principle of your religion?

I am still defining this - so do not have a ready answer. âš« Do you have a Great Evil in your religion?

There is the potential for evil acts. âš« What would you want someone outside your faith to know about your religion?

That there are many expressions of truth. That just because I have faith in Christ doesn't mean that I don't also agree with and value and believe in many earth based truths. Many of them are compatible. âš« What does one of your religious gatherings look like? Do men and women sit separately? Does someone lead?

I am a solitary practitioner. âš« What are your views on death?

Every one dies. Energy never ceases to exist and we are all energy. Because of my relationship with Jesus I will be with him when my physical body does not exist anymore. âš« Is there is laws governing what you eat?

No I live in freedom. âš« How do you practice your religion on a daily or weekly basis?

I am still working that out. I don't attend traditional Christian church services. âš« Are there important writings, books, or stories in your religion?

I think the bible is prominent, but I also appreciate the Nag Hammadi and the Apocryphal books. âš« Are there different branches of your faith? If so, what branch are you, and how does it different from others?

There are sooooo many denominations in the Christian faith. âš« Can you tell me about some of the rituals/traditions of your religion and why they are important?

In the Christian tradition there is the Eucharist, or taking of communion...and I still practice from time to time. And I have been baptized. I don't have any other traditions as yet. âš« According to your religion, what items should be present in a worship space and why should they be there?

None. âš« Would you encourage others to join or follow your religion?

If they had the inclination to practice magick and maintain their Christian faith, then I would suggest to them a blended path, yes. But its not for everyone. âš« Has your faith been challenged by the modern world and its technology?

Not at all.

âš« You stated that you are bringing magic into your beliefs. Are you working with the trinity (Father, Mother, Son) in these workings? Do you prefer low or high magic? Meaning do you prefer folk magic, or a ritualistic setting like what you find in Christian Ceremonial magics?

The Christian trinity is the only deity I observe. I haven't done much spell work yet, so for me it's a work in progress. I also call in the elements. I don't invoke spirits, angels, demons, fairies or spirit guides. The trinity basically covers all these bases for me. I am most interested in and prefer folk magick, but high magick isn't out of my scope if it's centered around my deities

âš« Talking about the Holy Ghost being female, what resources do you pull from to make this address?

The names referenced for my belief in a female Holy Spirit in the old and new testament are El Shaddai... Shekhinah, the comforter, and Wisdom (Sophia).... this is why I believe the God head is gender full... Embodying all aspects.

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